Certis USA – Energy Assessment

Featured Project

Imperion Performs Energy Assessment to Aid Certis USA in Identifying Potential Energy and Cost Savings as Well as Utility Incentive Program Opportunities

Project Details

  • Business: Certis USA
  • Category: Agriculture and Biopesticide Production
  • Location: Wasco, CA
  • Project Type: Energy Assessment


  • Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
  • SoCalGas
  • CLEAResult

Project Overview

Certis USA is an agricultural support company specializing in the production of high-quality biopesticides. Their facility operates multiple utility systems, including compressed air, steam generators, chillers, cooling towers, and interior/exterior lighting, all of which contribute to significant energy consumption and operational costs.

In partnership with CLEAResult’s energy efficiency programs through Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and SoCalGas (SCG), Imperion provided an energy assessment that outlined eligibility criteria for partner incentive programs. Additionally, Imperion explored available state grant programs to maximize funding support.

As a result of Imperion’s assessment, Certis USA gained valuable insight into potential energy and operating cost savings as well as eligible funding opportunities.

Project Results


Potential Utility-Backed Rebates & Incentives

~2,450,000 kWh

Potential Annual Electric Savings

~100,000 therms

Potential Annual Natural Gas Savings


Potential Annual Energy Cost Savings